Gauge Minitrix - Article No. 16387

Class 638 Steam Locomotive

Prototype: Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) class 638 passenger locomotive. Former Prussian class P 8. Boiler with 3 domes and without smoke deflectors. Four-axle box-style tender, pilot truck with solid wheels.

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Class 638 Steam Locomotive
Class 638 Steam Locomotive

Most Important Facts

Article No. 16387
Gauge / Design type Minitrix /
Kind Steam Locomotives
439,00 € RRP, incl. Tax
planned delivery: 2nd quarter 2025 Find Dealer


  • Digital sound with many functions.
  • Product description

    Model: The locomotive and tender are constructed chiefly of die-cast metal. The locomotive has a motor with a bell-shaped armature and a flywheel, mounted in the boiler. It also has a built-in digital decoder and a sound generator with the formats mfx and DCC. The locomotive and tender are close coupled. 3 axles powered. Traction tires. The locomotive has dual headlights with warm white LEDs.
    Length over the buffers 116 mm / 4-9/16".

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  • Publications

    - New items brochure Minitrix 2022 - Main Catalog Minitrix 2022/2023 - Main Catalog Minitrix 2023/2024 - Main Catalog Minitrix 2024/2025
  • Digital Functions

    Locomotive whistle
    Steam locomotive op. sounds
    Direct control
    Sound of squealing brakes off
    Sound of coal being shoveled
    Station Announcements
    Air Pump
    Letting off Steam
    Feed Pump
    Whistle for switching maneuver
    Special sound function
    Station Announcements
    Conductor – instructions
    Doors Closing
    Conductor's Whistle
    Replenishing fuel
    Replenishing fuel
    Replenishing fuel
    Special sound function
    Special sound function
    Safety Valve
    Generator Sounds
    Sound of Couplers Engaging
    Rail Joints


ATTENTION: adults only
Warning USA
ATTENTION: not for children under 15 years