Gauge Minitrix - Article No. 16693

Class BB 9200 Electric Locomotive

Prototype: French State Railways (SNCF) class BB 9231 electric express locomotive in the special "Arzens" paint scheme. The locomotive looks as it did around 1985. Built starting in 1957.

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Class BB 9200 Electric Locomotive
Class BB 9200 Electric Locomotive

Most Important Facts

Article No. 16693
Gauge / Design type Minitrix /
Era IV
Kind Electric Locomotives
319,00 € RRP, incl. Tax
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  • Digital sound with many functions
  • Product description

    Model: This model has a tooling change. The locomotive has a built-in digital decoder and sound generator for operation with mfx and DCC. It also has a motor with a flywheel. 4 axles powered. Traction tires. The headlights and marker lights change over with the direction of travel. Warm white LEDs are used for the lighting. The headlights, marker lights, and cab lighting can be controlled digitally. The locomotive has a close coupler mechanism. It also has separately applied grab irons.
    The headlights and marker lights change over with the direction of travel in analog operation.
    Length over the buffers 101 mm / 4".

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  • Publications

    - New items brochure Minitrix 2022 - Main Catalog Minitrix 2022/2023 - Main Catalog Minitrix 2023/2024 - Main Catalog Minitrix 2024/2025
  • Digital Functions

    Electric locomotive op. sounds
    Engineer’s cab lighting
    Direct control
    Sound of squealing brakes off
    Headlight(s): Cab2 End
    Headlight(s): Cab1 End
    Conductor's Whistle
    Brake Compressor
    Blower motors
    Letting off Air
    Special sound function
    Doors Closing
    Sound of Couplers Engaging
    Pantograph Sounds
    Buffer to buffer
    Rail Joints


ATTENTION: adults only
Warning USA
ATTENTION: not for children under 15 years