Gauge Minitrix - Article No. 16707

Class BB 67400 Diesel Locomotive

Prototype: French State Railways (SNCF), road number BB 667575. Diesel electric propulsion. Built starting in 1967. Updated version in the infra paint scheme.

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Class BB 67400 Diesel Locomotive
Class BB 67400 Diesel Locomotive
Class BB 67400 Diesel Locomotive
Class BB 67400 Diesel Locomotive

Most Important Facts

Article No. 16707
Gauge / Design type Minitrix /
Era VI
Kind Diesel Locomotives
309,00 € RRP, incl. Tax
Article in stock. Online-Shop Find Dealer
  • Product description

    Model: The locomotive has a built-in digital decoder and a sound generator for operation with mfx and DCC. There is a 5-pole motor with a flywheel. 4 axles powered. Traction tires. The headlights and marker lights change over with the direction of travel. The locomotive has a close coupler mechanism. Length over the buffers 107 mm / 4-3/16".

    Spare parts for our articles can be found here in our spare parts search.

  • Publications

    - Neuheiten-Prospekt Minitrix 2024 - Main Catalog Minitrix 2024/2025
  • Digital Functions

    High Pitch Horn
    Diesel locomotive op. sounds
    Engineer’s cab lighting
    Direct control
    Sound of squealing brakes off
    Rear Headlights off
    Low Pitch Horn
    Front Headlights off
    Stat. Announce. - Fren.
    Conductor's Whistle
    Blower motors
    Letting off Air
    Special sound function
    Sound of Couplers Engaging
    Rail Joints


ATTENTION: adults only
Warning USA
ATTENTION: not for children under 15 years