Gauge Trix H0 - Article No. 25744

Class 150 X Steam Locomotive

Prototype: French State Railways (SNCF) class 150 X heavy steam freight locomotive, with a standard design type 2´2´T34 coal tender. Black basic paint scheme. Wartime transition cab included, smoke deflectors not included. Locomotive road number 150 X 192. The locomotive looks as it did around 1958.

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Class 150 X Steam Locomotive
Class 150 X Steam Locomotive
Class 150 X Steam Locomotive
Class 150 X Steam Locomotive

Most Important Facts

Sound demo
Article No. 25744
Gauge / Design type Trix H0 /
Kind Steam Locomotives
539,00 € RRP, incl. Tax
Article in stock. Online-Shop Find Dealer


  • Prototypical tooling changes
  • Digital decoder and a variety of operation and sound functions included
  • Cab lighting, firebox flickering, and flickering at the ash pan can be controlled in digital operation
  • Partially open bar frame with mostly clear view between the running gear and the boiler
  • High-efficiency propulsion with a flywheel, mounted in the boiler
  • Product description

    Model: The locomotive has a digital decoder and extensive sound functions. It also has controlled high-efficiency propulsion with a flywheel, mounted in the boiler. 5 axles powered. Traction tires. The locomotive and the coal tender are constructed mostly of metal. The 7226 smoke unit can be installed in the locomotive. The dual headlights change over with the direction of travel. They and the smoke unit that can be installed in the locomotive will work in conventional operation and can be controlled digitally. The cab lighting, firebox flickering, and flickering at the ash pan can also be controlled separately in digital operation. Maintenance-free warm white and red LEDs are used for the lighting. There is a close coupling with a guide mechanism between the locomotive and tender. There is a close coupler with an NEM pocket and a guide mechanism on the rear of the tender and on the front of the locomotive. The minimum radius for operation is 360 mm / 14-3/16". Protective sleeves for the piston rods, brake hoses, and imitation prototype couplers are included.
    Length over the buffers 26 cm / 10-1/4".

    An auto transport car set to go with this locomotive can be found under item number 46408 in the Märklin H0 assortment along with information about the necessary DC wheelsets.

    This model can be found in an AC version in the Märklin H0 assortment under item number 39744.

    Spare parts for our articles can be found here in our spare parts search.

  • Publications

    - New items brochure H0 2022 - Main Catalog H0 2022/2023 - Main Catalog H0 2023/2024 - Main Catalog H0 2024/2025
  • Digital Functions

    Smoke generator contact
    Steam locomotive op. sounds
    Locomotive whistle
    Direct control
    Sound of squealing brakes off
    Engineer’s cab lighting
    Whistle for switching maneuver
    Flickering Light in Fire Box
    Air Pump
    Letting off Steam
    Sound of coal being shoveled
    Tipping grate
    Water Pump
    Replenishing coal
    Replenishing water
    Replenishing sand
    "Switcher Double ""A"" Light"
    Switching range + switching light
    Generator Sounds
    On/off function
    Coal being shoveled and firebox flickering
    Rail Joints
    Safety Valve
    Sound of Couplers Engaging
    Light Function
    Conductor – departure
    Stat. Announce. - Fren.



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