Article No. 60986

Märklin mSD3 SoundDecoder NEM 652 Diesel Locomotive Sounds

Märklin mSD3 SoundDecoder
NEM 652 Diesel Locomotive Sounds
Märklin mSD3 SoundDecoder
NEM 652 Diesel Locomotive Sounds
Märklin mSD3 SoundDecoder
NEM 652 Diesel Locomotive Sounds
Märklin mSD3 SoundDecoder
NEM 652 Diesel Locomotive Sounds

Most Important Facts

Article No. 60986
Kind Decoder
119,00 € RRP, incl. Tax
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  • Product description

    This decoder is for converting Märklin/Trix H0 locomotives with built-in high-efficiency motors or other DC motors. The märklin SoundDecoder3 has a wiring harness soldered to it with an eight-pin NEM interface connector plug for installation in many locomotives with the appropriate NEM interface connector and locomotives with a lack of space.
    The märklin LokDecoder3 supports the digital formats mfx, MM1, MM2, and DCC.
    The decoder has preset sound for a diesel locomotive.

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  • Publications

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